Nadia Lim's Mandarin Syrup cake

Nadia Lim Mandarin Syrup Cake by Meg Malcolm.jpeg

thanks to… Meg



mandarins 330-370g (3-6 whole mandarins, depending on size)

ground almonds 200g

sugar 1 cup

eggs 5

vanilla extract or essence 1 teaspoon

baking powder 1 teaspoon


sugar ¼ cup

mandarin juice of 1

lime juice of 1


Place whole mandarins in a large saucepan and cover with plenty of cold water. Cover with a lid and boil gently for about 1 hour (this softens the fruit and also gets rid of some of the bitter taste from the skins). Drain and allow mandarins to cool slightly.

Preheat oven to 180°C/355 Fahrenheit. Grease and line a 21cm round springform cake tin with baking paper.

Remove the stem of the mandarins, then cut in half and remove any pips. Place fruit (skin, pith, flesh and all) in a food processor or blender and blitz until smooth. Add all other cake ingredients and blitz until well combined.

Pour into prepared cake tin and bake for 1 hour or until a skewer inserted in the middle of the cake comes out clean. Cover cake with tinfoil halfway through cooking time to avoid the top browning too much.

Remove cake from oven and leave in the tin while you make the syrup.

Mix sugar, mandarin and lime juice together and pour over cake while warm. Allow cake to cool slightly before removing from tin.

Serve with your favourite Appleby Farms flavour